Monday, January 12, 2009

Woodblock Printing

Each year in elementary school here kids have to opportunity to create an original piece of art which is then hung in an art gallery/museum/city hall with all the other works of art by kids from all the elementary schools. This year a nearby school did woodblock prints.

The kids carved their original design onto plywood, inked it, rubbed the paper and voila! A woodblock print. Some were more than one color which is difficult to do. Some woodblock artists carve separate blocks for each color. Others just wait for one color to dry before using another color.

Here is a link to an English-born Canadian woodblock printer who lives and works in Tokyo and is the creator of many a print. David Bull. Be sure to flip through all the pages of his websites as he also manages/operates/owns Mokuhan (木版館), an online woodblock store. If you are studying Japanese, his sites are bilingual.