Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Unusual Books and Pricey, Too

cuneiformFirst, a few links to a couple of cool books. The first one is Necronomicon designed by Jean Marc Laroche. These others at the Ingalls Library at the brassCleveland Museum of Art, are not so bizarre as using unusual materials or relatively unusual binding methods.

The book on the right is
bound in brass - could be heavy, eh? - and it sold on Abebooks for $24,400. That's US dollars. Twenty-four thousand US dollars. It's a catalog of brass bookbindings. Speaking of Abebooks, whose tagline is cheap, fast, easy (I had a date like that once), they also have a book going for $119,000. Yes, three zeroes, two ones, and a nine. In US dollars, again. It's a Bible printed in 1611 and bound in calf skin and copper. So if you have a few coins of loose change rolling around on the top of your chest of drawers, you might want to check Abebooks out.

On the upper left you might have noticed the original book: cuneiform on clay from our friends at the Sumerian Civilization - that would be a great name for a bookbindery, wouldn't it?

And finally, another book using clay (and paper, fabric and paints) from LadyArtisan. The leaves are clay, by the way.