We spent a few minutes on Jaycut (http://jaycut.com) playing around with the online video editing. First, we videoed our lunch place. Then, we emailed it to ourselves. From our email we uploaded it to Jaycut. Then we slapped and pasted video and audio. One minute. Enjoy. (It's not meant to be earthshakingly awe-inspiring, it's just a short flick. Enjoy.)
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Ulrike Grannis, Bookbinder & Paper Artist
A pretty informative video of a fascinating array of books and papers. One can only aspire.
ulrike grannis from glencadia on Vimeo.
Thursday, December 09, 2010
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Two Videos with Art
A bit of a delay from the last post but I've been working. That's good, isn't it? I have discovered the joys of artistic endeavors and have found these two videos.
Two videos with art and intriguing music from Banging Gods Drum and a giant pop-up book. Enjoy.
The pop-up book:
Two videos with art and intriguing music from Banging Gods Drum and a giant pop-up book. Enjoy.
Art from Banging Gods Drum on Vimeo.
The pop-up book:
wonder book from tanigawa on Vimeo.
Sunday, July 11, 2010

A 1LDK is a one-room bedroom apartment with a living room (L), dining room (D), and kitchen (K).

The main character is Keiko (played by big-eared Shimizu Mina, visual at right) who has a boring job and no boyfriend so she decides to commit suicide on her birthday. Her neighbor on one side is a guy with two or more girlfriends and their constant love-making is driving Keiko bonkers (the sound). The musician on the other side is just too loud all the time. And the mysterious upstairs neighbor is causing the ceiling to fall in.
Through the course of events we see these four people interact, ignore each other, go about their business in a warped Tarantino-esque way, which is what made it interesting to watch.
I couldn't find a YouTube video of OLDK but I did find Shimizu's more recent movie about Japanese lesbians - that caught your attention, eh? - called Topless. Here's the opening nsfw scene:
Through the course of events we see these four people interact, ignore each other, go about their business in a warped Tarantino-esque way, which is what made it interesting to watch.
I couldn't find a YouTube video of OLDK but I did find Shimizu's more recent movie about Japanese lesbians - that caught your attention, eh? - called Topless. Here's the opening nsfw scene:
Sunday, July 04, 2010
What is Project London?
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Yoshida Kenko and A Movie Not Related to Him.
Here's a movie, not so long, that has an interesting story (some). I found it while trying to find some information - any information - about Yoshida Kenko (吉田兼好) who wrote Tsurezuregusa (Essays on Idleness) back in the 1300s Japan. This movie is vaguely related to him as his work is mentioned in the notes accompanying the video. From the notes:
- A short based on 'The Tsurezuregusa of Emma,' a collection of brief, haiku-like aphorisms by Emma Rohwer. Emma's Tsurezuregusa's (essays in idleness) are inspired by the original essays of the Japanese monk, Yoshida Kenko, written sometime in the early-mid fourteenth century.
Little Stories of Some Interest from Michael Gaston on Vimeo.
製然草 - Essays in Idleness - written by 吉田兼好 - Yoshida Kenko - in around 1330~1332 after the Kamakura Bakufu fought Godaigo. Big battle. Lots of fighting. Yoshida supported Godaigo as a guard, then retired when Godaigo's successor died.
My new blog: Idle Journal of a 30-year Japanese Resident has more about Yoshida and idleness.
Thursday, June 03, 2010
Bassekou Kouyate - Ngoni Fola - Shanghai SIdeways
Cool music.
A quick flickr tour of Shanghai.
Next week: More books.
A quick flickr tour of Shanghai.
Next week: More books.
Wednesday, June 02, 2010
Japanese Females Death Metal
This video is for all you who think of Japanese (and/or Asian) women as petite, cutesy, high-pitched, and subservient. Check out the voice on the singer. This is a group from Osaka called Galmet (but the A is printed upside down.)
Not exactly your country-western diva, eh?
Friday, May 28, 2010
Chinese Women Rock
Women talking about women in rock music in China.
And making music in a music video.
There seems to be a great amount of rock in China, especially Beijing and Shanghai but there's also a lively music scene in Xian. From what I can gather from, YouTube videos, and searching for it.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Bookbinding: What I've Learned.
A little music to listen to while you wile away your time reading what I have to say about making books.
What I've Learned
What I've learned in the last 67 books I've bound can be summed up in two words: Listen to a teacher. (Okay, four.)
- I've learned that 2 mm book board is better than a grocery sack.
- I've learned that the space between the spine and the cover is about 3.5 times the thickness of the book board (If using a 2 mm book board that would be about 7 mm)
- I've learned that you need to press the book under considerable weight shortly after making the book and not let it sit on your tabletop overnight while you gloat about your great achievement because the covers will curl up like a butterfly about to take flight.
- I've finally learned that you need to cut the corners of the book cloth BEFORE you paste it up or try to press it to the book board.
- I've learned that glue in a glass container can still get dry and grungy and if you let it sit overnight while you gloat about your great bookbinding achievements then you might as well buy a new glass container and glue.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Ernie Kovacs and Eugene
I've been looking for this video clip for awhile. This came on after Jerry Lewis had a two-hour special. Lots of people were asked to follow, but no one wanted to because they knew Jerry would blow them out of the water. Ernie Kovacs basically volunteered and presented this dialog-less show. Innovative, creative, and memorable. Not many people remember any skits, songs, or jokes from Jerry's special but many remember Kovacs' Eugene. Enjoy.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Film Noir by Plaxin Productions
Film noir and old-time radio detectives (audio noir?) are great, I think. The visuals are dramatic - shadows and light playing the dramatic role, the stories are usually strong, and the dialog terse. Action movies - even in color - pale by comparison. Recently, if you surf YouTube and other sites, you can find a few good modern day film noir short films. Here's one by Plaxin Productions, which has other pretty good films, too.
This one has all the elements of film noir plus a word not usually spoken in mixed polite company so it might not be audibly safe for work.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Fujara rock!
This is a traditional Czech fujara. Sounds cool in the cavern. Originally designed to soothe sheep.
Another fujara ensemble
Another fujara ensemble
Friday, February 05, 2010

Here is the floor plan from inhabitat of the cheapest model. As you might barely be able to see, it has three large decks with large doors/windows to the interior that make the small abode seem larger. With exterior walls that provide a bit of privacy. From the looks of things, the most expensive model ($375,000) is three of these modules put artistically together in a horseshoe arrangement. Check it out at iPad.
I'd like one of these - maybe in a southern island or an Italian cliffside. Turn it into a small office/workspace. But, alas, I may have to settle for the other iPad, pictured below; smaller and cheaper.

I'd like one of these - maybe in a southern island or an Italian cliffside. Turn it into a small office/workspace. But, alas, I may have to settle for the other iPad, pictured below; smaller and cheaper.

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