Friday, March 30, 2007


Hisashiburi. I just realized it has been nearly the gestation period of a human since my last post and I was in a quandry. Should I post now or wait another month so that I could speculate about the growth of a fetus and my latest post but then I came to the stark-raving realization that I shouldn't be writing about fetuses and food items in the same blog/paragraph/sentence.

Hisashiburi, by the way, is not a food item nor is it a raamen item. We have to make these distinctions, eh? Hisashiburi is how one would say "Hey, I haven't seen you in a age." If you were living in Japan or speaking Japanese to a Japanese person who you haven't seen in a age.
i.e. long time no see.

About raamen. Well, good news and bad news about raamen. One, I'm cutting down on my consumption of said food product because I'm leaning heavily to port. I mean, portly. I mean, veganism. I have found several vegetarian raamens and even two vegetarian raamen shops (in Tokyo. Kichijoji, to be more specific. Near Kichijoji station, in actual fact.) But I don't live in Tokyo so I won't be going to either of them, I suspect, in the near future.

Veganism - not for my health but for the health of the little critters that give up their lives so that I might have a double cheese with bacon burger that I forget about in a matter of minutes. Why should they have to live in creepy places and be slaughtered just for my momentary pleasure. I suppose if my pleasure were greater I wouldn't switch?Hard to say.

In any case, I'm going to say, "I'm not a vegan because I love animals, I hate vegetables" rather than say I'm a vegan because veganism upsets so many meat-eaters. I don't know why. Why do meateaters get so pissed off when they find out you don't eat meat? Guilt?

The bad news is I'm not going to be writing much about raamen anymore - please, please, keep your weeping, crying, and rending of clothing for later (as if hundreds of people are reading this dormant blog). The good news is... I'll still write. This is good news? I've written before? Yeah, like EIGHT MONTHS ago. What kind of writer writes once every eight months? A lazy one, that's for sure. We'll see. Mata ne. (Another Japanese linguistic unit. It means something but then, who wants to know what it means, eh?)

At last, a humourous vegan video instead of the usual sanctimonous crapola you get when google "not slaughtering mammals and masticating their dead flesh".

How long will it be before the books on raamen change to vegan cookbooks?

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