Wednesday, July 01, 2009

First New Book in Three Months!

I finished my first new book in three months today. It is a small book made of recycled B5 paper folded into fourths (a quatro?). I used about 30 sheets of paper for about 120 pages. I used the perfect bound style but.. Ho, ho. It was not a pretty sight.

First, I glued the signatures together at the spine. Glue didn't hold them all together well. No matter, mull
was added and the signatures sewn together. Quite nicely, I might add. Then the cover was constructed of a recycled flyer for a local performance of Puccini's La Boheme.

Finally, I attached the bright yellow endpapers and glued the whole shebang together. The end result was the creation of my first book in three months. Definitely a learning experience wherein - once again -
I learn the importance of taking accurate measurements and cutting to the measurements.
The original title was The Circle Book but the vision fell well short of the actual book. I need a new name. I'm thinking creatively now with The La Boheme Book but that actually means The The Boheme Book, doesn't it. I think I'll use either The Puccini Book or Puccini's La Boheme Book. Undecided.

Photos to come.

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