Sunday, December 09, 2012

Medieval Book Completed and Named

In the past few weeks I've been slowly putting together a book. I know, what an odd thing for a bookbinder to be doing. However, this is a new style for me and only the second one at that. A little thought was involved. Yeah, very little - I'll explain that in a moment. First, the book.

Jumps with Snow is its name because it was completed during a heavy snow storm. It is 140 pages, B6, blank journal. "Blank journal" means the bookmaker was too lazy to print anything, even lines, on the paper. OR, in my case, eager to try out a new binding. In this case the binding is a rounded back with raised cords.

Overall, an enjoyable experience wherein I learned a lot. First mistake, put one endpapers in upside down. Second mistake, put the endpapers on the mull instead of Under the mull, thus hiding it from the book's user. A habit of mine I should break. Or use some thought? Yes, thinking would be good. Major mistake, kind of, was making too few signatures. It only has seven whereas if it were 15 or so, it would look better. Allis Experience and Training.

See you next week, I hope. For audio and more pictures, check out:

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