Tuesday, April 26, 2005

More to Raamen than Raamen

Working Raamen Sites

For Fueled By Ramen records ("No Food, No Sleep, Just Records") and their very lively bands (Check out "I think Patrick Swayze is Sexy" by Kane Hodder) go to: Fueled By Ramen

For online renting of English-subtitled Asian DVDs including Japanese anime, rush off to the aptly named RamenCity at, aptly enough: RamenCity

To find out that instant noodles (Top Ramen, Cup Noodles) is an invention of Momofuku Ando and rakes in hundreds of billions of dollars a year (okay, $10 billion), go to Straight Dope at Straight Dope

(plus, I wanted to write Straight Dope on my blog. I mean, roaches are always welcome at raamen shops.) Mind you, of course, instant noodles are to raamen what an open, festering gunshot wound is to a nice bottle of chianti in a lover-friendly lounge with good live jazz.

If you want to brush up on your Japanese skills you can go here to find out that Japan has 12,634 raamen shops. I don't think so. I think there are a few thousand not counted. I mean, is this site talking about raamen shops or chain stores with bright lights? I don't know either. You be the judge (or teller) at the RamenBank at RamenBank

And if you still want to eat instant raamen in less than three minutes or so, go to this site and download a timer so you won't oversleep and miss that gourmet meal. (Instant noodles, the devil's plaything.) Timer

More on raamen after a quick snack, but thanks for all the folks above for proving raamen doesn't have to be about just noodles anymore.

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