Thursday, July 28, 2005

Raamen in Space: Space Ram!

Space Ram: It's not just for computers anymore.
Behold, our man Momofuku Ando is sending raamen into space on the Discovery. The Japanese astronaut, Soichi Noguchi, is going to slurp a... a what? a sack of noodles from Nissin, according to the Mainichi. Click on the title of this post to see the story in the Mainichi newspaper online.

Raamen Consulting anyone?
Also, in an entirely unrelated vein, a raamen consultant is bad-mouthing Aoba, a popular raamen shop because the consultant feels slighted by the owner of Aoba. Check out it out here. For another look at the kidnapping-raamen-consultant story, look here. This is more human interest angle. Sort of. Who knew running a raamen shop could be fraught with such danger.

And, from further afield, here is an article from The Australian on the same dangerous topic. I guess jealousy has raised its ugly head.

Here also is the website for Akibaya, the restaurant owned by the consultant. In Japanese. And one in English for Aoba.

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