Tuesday, January 31, 2006

The Raamen Pie

Here is a link to something called a "ramen pie." It is in the Mainichi newspaper online. The pie comes in all the flavors of raamen you love (miso, salt, and shoyu) and like but instead of being in a bowl of soup, it comes in a pie. There's even a contact number if you'd like to make inquiries. In Japanese only at present but I'm sure after they start getting a flood of calls from around the world they will set up an English desk. Probably in India. Outsourcing in the pie business is rampant, you know.

These raamen pies seem not to have any preservatives and can't be frozen or re-heated so you'll have to buy and eat rather than stock up for the next millenium (like you can with a certain unnamed -cough Top cough - raamen.

Peace Be Upon You and Your Raamen!

Thursday, January 26, 2006

For no particular reason I'm typing...

"tap-dancing lily-livered corporate bean counters." I did this because I read an article in the Sun Times of Chicago about Google and China. It isn't only Microsoft that listens to the Chinese government. What does this have to do with raamen? Nada, mi amigo. But I want to see if I can google "tap-dancing lily-livered corporate bean counters' and hit this blog.

Read Quicktakes at the Sun Times of Chicago here: Corporate bean counters.

And soon, the Tedorigawa Raamen podcast featuring the sound of water boiling, noodles being boiled, and noodles being slurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrped. Yummy.

Keep Up! Work Good!

Friday, January 20, 2006

The Movie I Forgot:

I can't believe it! I can't believe I haven't provided a link to this movie! I mean, if you want to talk about raamen you are going to have to provide info about this movie! It is the Raamen Movie of the last Century! There's a link above - perhaps - to the Wikipedia entry on "Tampopo."

Below, too, are links to the Internet Movie Data Base (imdb.com) entry on the same movie, starring Nobuko Miyamoto and Tsutomu Yamazaki (both of these links link to a Japanese language site that lists their movies.)

Tampopo starring, among others, Ken Watanabe of "The Last Samurababble" fame, has some great scenes about food, erotica and food, and the proper way to eat it. Great flick. Some people say it is the "Shane" of raamen shops.

Food reviews
Other food reviews from the LA (Los Angeles) area for those of you withing spitting distance of that area. First, go to the LA food blog (lafb) and check out this page. It has four reviews of ramenya in the LA area place thing.

Not in LA anymore, Toto.
A touching story about a raamen shop owner can be found here, along with a review of the food. (In Tokyo.)

A site here on how to make Pho Tai (Vietnamese raamen)

Keep Up the Good Life, Everyone!
(and rent "Tampopo.")

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Random Raamen Photos

Here are a few pictures and a link to a vegan raamen.

Really Random Raamen
Originally uploaded by Tedori.

Linking The Raamen

Today we are going to bestow links (not sausages) to news and what nots concerned with raamen, sometimes spelled 'ramen' but never spelled 'Top Raamen.'

The raamen boom sweeping the islands of Japan continues. By the way, there is a TV show in Japan wherein two guys cruise around the entire archipelago tasting raamen hither and yon. I just watched a show where they went to the northern-most raamen shop in Japan and slurped the local specialty. Naturally and of course, the raamen was 'delicious' and 'wonderful' and 'extraordinarily unique.' That is what all television heads say when they try any food shoved into their mouths. I once saw a man taste a lightly fried scrambled egg and declare it 'delicious.' It was an EGG! How delicious could it be?

To the links (not golf).

The raamen boom and it's ensuing debate amongs purists and faddists.

A restaurant review that includes an organic raamen shop in the greater downtown West Los Angeles area, if you've got the urge and money, drop in.

A beef and broccoli recipe that demands crinkly-crisp ramen (those Top Ramen thingies) as one of the ingredients. Sort of like the hamburger helper of the new millenium.

Speaking of recipes, here's a how-to-raamen site for those with little imagination on what to do with a 16~20 cent pack of crispy-crunchy Top Ramen noodles. (i.e. boil them.)

Another raamen restaurant review from a Buddhist perspective is available for your zen-like mastery of the noodle.

Here lie some clothes (including a golf shirt and thong that says "I (picture of a heart) Ramen!"

If you like punk-ish rock, you might check out Fueled By Ramen records. I know it's on the list on the right, but this jushttp://www.blogger.com/img/gl.link.gift makes it easier to get to. They're getting a lot of notice recently, especially with the group: Panic! At the Disco. Yes, I know it has nothing to do with the lovely noodles we have come to enjoy, raamen. But! Music is also part of life, no?

Finally, to aid our knowledge of that which is raamen (and easily findable on the 'net) we have the wikipedia entry for said food: at Wiki.

Take Care, Everyone and Enjoy!

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Nude Noodles?

Quick! Has anyone seen the 'sport' of eating sushi off the naked body of a woman? (Sometimes, rarely, a man.) There was a big stink about it when some Japanese businessmen did it with some Chinese women in China about a year ago. I was just wondering: Can anyone eat raamen off a naked body? Anyone ever try?

Conversely, why would you want to slurp raamen soup that's dribbling off someone's unwashed armpit? Or sweep in and suck up a noodle from a smelly toe - complete with toejam? (Well, there are a lot of sick puppies out there....)

Keep up the good work everyone!

Friday, January 13, 2006

Alive! It's Alive!

Yes! After incubating in relative holidaic splendor for months on end, your

手取川 Tedorigawa Raamen 手取川

blog has emerged, phoenix-like, and literally sparkles with anticipation! Ready to slurp the slurp! Ready to swirl the soup! Ready to nudge the noodles! Raamen! The Ultimate Post-Drinking/Pre-Breakfast Snack! (And yes, still, not the dried up captain crunchy packaged goobledegook most college students ignorantly claim to be raamen but the real raamen of soup and noodles and sometimes pork and sometimes vegetarian and sometimes spices and usually a big bowl with chopsticks to match and a low price especially if you whip it up yourself in the privacy of your own kitchen surrounded by either good friends or the SWAT team from Homeland Security.

Either way: Good Morning! Good Raamen!