Friday, January 13, 2006

Alive! It's Alive!

Yes! After incubating in relative holidaic splendor for months on end, your

手取川 Tedorigawa Raamen 手取川

blog has emerged, phoenix-like, and literally sparkles with anticipation! Ready to slurp the slurp! Ready to swirl the soup! Ready to nudge the noodles! Raamen! The Ultimate Post-Drinking/Pre-Breakfast Snack! (And yes, still, not the dried up captain crunchy packaged goobledegook most college students ignorantly claim to be raamen but the real raamen of soup and noodles and sometimes pork and sometimes vegetarian and sometimes spices and usually a big bowl with chopsticks to match and a low price especially if you whip it up yourself in the privacy of your own kitchen surrounded by either good friends or the SWAT team from Homeland Security.

Either way: Good Morning! Good Raamen!

1 comment:

Tedorigawa said...
