Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Ramen Fueled

I've written about Fueled By Ramen Records before. A long, long time ago. In a Galaxy Ford far away. But since then they've added bands, the bands have released records and are going on tour all over the universe. Or at least the continental United States. For example, their group "The Academy is..." will be in Toronto (which, I know now, isn't in the CUS anymore. I guess they moved it.) in February. And "Paramore" will be in Hell's Kitchen in Tacoma, WA also in February. Busy busy. If you like lively music, check out Fueled by Raman's website by clicking on the link above. (No, I don't get a kickback from mentioning them.)

How is this all related to food The Raamen? Besides the name of the record company? It isn't. However. And However! Here's a review for a raamen restaurant in Toronto if you're alive in Toronto after attending or before attending or just hungry near the The Academy Is concert: Review Here. For another review of the same restaurant, click Here! Which one do you believe? I guess it's up to you to check out the place and report back.

I did a google search for Madison, WI and raamen restaurants (spelling it "ramen" like the rest of the unenlightened world) and the first zillion sites mentioned Fueled by Ramen Records and one of their bands who recorded in Madison, "Fall Out Boy." I guess Madison doesn't like raamen in restaurants. Who knows, eh?

Be Positive! Keep up the Life!

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