Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Vegetarian RaamenLinks

Here is a link to a vegan (no meat, no dairy) raamen: Link Me! You have to scroll down past the desserts and hot dogs.

There's another site I don't have the address for that talks about chicken raamen being the only raamen a vegetarian could eat until the discovery of vegetarian raamen. Uhm, chicken is meat. If you eat chicken, you're not a vegetarian. (Are you celibate if you have sex only once in awhile? Or married?)

Another site mentions baby raamen. Oh, no! They're serving baby raamen! (Is that raamen with babies or mini-portions?)

Yet another crunchy-style raamen for veggie people can be found Here! A really simple advertisement for Sunny Maid Mi Chay.

And here's a link (Click me, baby!) to an article about the kinds of instant crunchy raamen found in the world, including vegetarian curry-flavored raamen in India and halal raamen in Islamic countries (which isn't necessarily vegetarian, only that the meat in the raamen was killed according to Islamic law.)

Another link to another site (evidentally sponsored by the Superior Tofu Puff people) about how to make a vegetarian raamen using, wait for it: Superior Tofu Puffs. But that doesn't make the raamen any less vegie or good. Just with tofu. Sounds like something I should check out. You can, Here.

Stay with the Tao, move with the present.
And bring a good, hearty raamen.

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