Sunday, March 30, 2008

Sound Thinking.... Two Plus Choices.

This is another test of the emergency broadcasting system except with one minor change: no siren. Except a little one at the end that could be mistaken for a dead phone line. And an experiment with an embedded player. 

Please listen and remember, this is only a test. If this had been an actual emergency... well, you'd be SOL. Next week: more about books and less about experiments. Unless they have to do with bookbinding.

Click on the little triangle thingy to hear.

After the Prefix Lesson, a song by Seattle Standard Cafe

or here: a little drama about bookbinding.

Or this late addition:

music player

Which player do you like? Let me know. 

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Another blog. What's he thinking?

I have created a bookmaking-related blog or two at the following places in case you really, really need to read more about what I write in such a sporadic way. And who amongst us hasn't had that need? 
Site one is Tedorigawa Bookmakers and site two is Tedorigawa Bookmakers - clever titles designed to not confuse anyone except myself. The first is a blogspot blog and the other is a Podbean blog. Both now have sound (courtesy of Podbean) and I'm thinking of including one for this blog, too, so you can not only read what I write but hear what I say as you read. A plethora of media, wouldn't you say?
I've also updated and rearranged the links on the sidebar to your right. Exciting stuff, this, eh?

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Once a Week?

Try as I might - not much - I failed at my 'weekly' entry. However, I made a box for a book - the book is called The Leap Day Book because I finished it, purposefully, on February 29, 2008; I made a short film (about a minute) called Waiting to practice filming, and I organized my office - which is still a work in progress. And I, uh, worked on another blog plus a website so I wasn't completely innocent of blogdom in my spare time. The box is here but it's sideways so you either have to turn your computer on its side or tilt your head or imagine it upright.

In other art news, I'm listening, slowly, to Wagner's Der Ring des Nibelungen (The Ring Cycle) which I have never listened to before. This is the opera from which we have our image of opera singers as being big, fat, (It ain't over til the fat lady sings) and wearing breast armor and helmets with horns. One opera - of course it takes four days to watch it - and it created a stereotype. There is a lot of yelling... I mean loud singing, but there is also some incredible music. (And not just the Ride of the Valkyrie of Robert Duvall Lt. Colonel Kilgore Apocalypse Now fame.)

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Greetings from Afar.

Yes, months ago I posted a post and then fell silent whilst working on something called "life." But I have returned with a Bushite smirk and a song in my heart. What have I been working on, you may ask? Besides the day job, you mean? A variety of home improvement projects which, as you well know, consume entire bank accounts and reek havoc on the most innocent of lives with merely a whisper of thanks or warning.

Also included in this silence was the inclination of a total, again, revamp of 手取川 - Tedorigawa. Yes, again. The first Tedorigawa was a rampage of raamen. The second incarnation was a rambling of a lot of meandering rivers in the streams of consciousness. This, the third revival of a blog, will focus like a laser beam in on art. Art, I tell you. Not related to the Garfunkel of Simonand kind of art but of art in real life. Mostly, however, movies, screenplays, and books that I have seen, written, or plan to write. (See below: Dancing on the Arc of a Dream for further details on the written and plan to write phases of writing.)

I will, one hopes, promise (which, with $4 will get you a cup of java at your local caffeine outlet) to update this New Improved Revamped Revived Blog more often. Dare I say "Once a week"? We shall see. We shall see.
Next week: Text to Speech Suspense Drama -  Part One: The Invisible Client.