Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Greetings from Afar.

Yes, months ago I posted a post and then fell silent whilst working on something called "life." But I have returned with a Bushite smirk and a song in my heart. What have I been working on, you may ask? Besides the day job, you mean? A variety of home improvement projects which, as you well know, consume entire bank accounts and reek havoc on the most innocent of lives with merely a whisper of thanks or warning.

Also included in this silence was the inclination of a total, again, revamp of 手取川 - Tedorigawa. Yes, again. The first Tedorigawa was a rampage of raamen. The second incarnation was a rambling of a lot of meandering rivers in the streams of consciousness. This, the third revival of a blog, will focus like a laser beam in on art. Art, I tell you. Not related to the Garfunkel of Simonand kind of art but of art in real life. Mostly, however, movies, screenplays, and books that I have seen, written, or plan to write. (See below: Dancing on the Arc of a Dream for further details on the written and plan to write phases of writing.)

I will, one hopes, promise (which, with $4 will get you a cup of java at your local caffeine outlet) to update this New Improved Revamped Revived Blog more often. Dare I say "Once a week"? We shall see. We shall see.
Next week: Text to Speech Suspense Drama -  Part One: The Invisible Client.

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