Thursday, March 27, 2008

Another blog. What's he thinking?

I have created a bookmaking-related blog or two at the following places in case you really, really need to read more about what I write in such a sporadic way. And who amongst us hasn't had that need? 
Site one is Tedorigawa Bookmakers and site two is Tedorigawa Bookmakers - clever titles designed to not confuse anyone except myself. The first is a blogspot blog and the other is a Podbean blog. Both now have sound (courtesy of Podbean) and I'm thinking of including one for this blog, too, so you can not only read what I write but hear what I say as you read. A plethora of media, wouldn't you say?
I've also updated and rearranged the links on the sidebar to your right. Exciting stuff, this, eh?

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