I hit upon something that brightens my day. I have a novel over at Calvado.blogspot.com which was, until today, just sitting there waiting for me to add to it, to edit it, and let it live. It is a NaNoWriMo novel from a few years ago, that's how long it has been sitting over there sad, forlorn, and not-quite-but-almost forgotten.
Then a hit struck me like a thought: I shall put it up one chapter at a time, read the chapter, and then write a commentary on that chapter, sort of like a hypertext novel except without the hundred blue and underlined nouns. Sort of like the Talmud but without the scholarship. Authorial marginalia, I think would be a good name for it; but I'm calling it Behind the Curtain.
You the reader should be able to read straight through the novel just by clicking on the 'Next' link at the end of each chapter. And, if you so desire, you can click on the 'Behind the Curtain' link at the end of each chapter to see what I think of the chapter, how the chapter came to be, and other insights I probably don't have but would like to have.
Calvado is a love story where love kills. (That's the subtitle/tagline: Love Kills.) Mack and Calvado have a problem - he loves her and she could love him back. Except for one minor problem. Click on the title of this post or the Calvado link to your right to read my Free! Online! novel of love and death.