Monday, July 07, 2008

The Star Festival - Tanabata - Cereal Series

From my "Cereal Series" I have completed a Premium Corn Flake with Beet Sugar Book with a coptic binding, seven signatures of six pages each for a total of 168 pages on the Star Festival (Tanabata) of Japan wherein two star-crossed (literally) lovers cross the Milky Way to kiss face once a year. For more of my Cereal Series, see the post of May 8, 2008 - japanesestabbinding - a Kellogg's Brown Rice Flake book is described. Also see this page from Tedorigawa Bookmakers.

Tanabata is celebrated by lovers staring into the night sky (which really sucks if it rains) and hoping for the best, whatever that might be. And of Tanabata branches: bamboo branches stuck in various places and people write their wishes on a piece of paper and attach it to the branches. Some come true! What do you wish for this year?

More Photos of my
Premium Corn Flake with Beet Sugar Book 
will be placed on both Tedorigawa Bookmakers and at 
(probably with sound as well!) 
Stay Tuned. Stay Posted. Be Well.

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