Friday, July 04, 2008

Time - Wings - Gone - Flash

I can't believe time as slipped through my fingers like guacamole through a sieve. Well, perhaps a lot faster than that, that's for sure. Here it is July 4, 2008 (232 and counting) and my last post - in which I probably promised to write more often - was May 27. I missed one complete month; and as everyone knows missing a month could be vibracious.

On the other hand, Tedorigawa Bookmakers was updated with sight and sound on July 1 while Tedorigawa Bookmakers (another one? What's he doing with Two Blogs with the same damn name? Being moronic? - Sorry, no question mark needed.) was updated a mere month ago on June 4. But, alas, Calvado hasn't been updated since last I wrote I was thrilled to pieces to discover a new idea about updating Calvado. Talk about shallow. Will I keep being this shallow or will I actually get down to work and update on a semi-regular schedule? Keeping in mind, of course, that biannually is a regular schedule. As is bi-centennially.
On the third hand, my weekly podcast about things Japanese and Chinese and lessons in speaking three different languages (Japanese, English, and Chinese) coupled with interviews in those three languages and music (usually in English), continues its weekly production schedule unabated. Probably because I enjoy the sound of my own voice? No, no. Other people speak on this podcast. Especially when it comes to Japanese and Chinese. (I can handle English fairly well, I think. Maybe. I'm not sure. I'll ask around.)
I finished a special book in the last month. The June 6th Book - which should have been finished June 6th but was completed on July 3rd - is a coptic-bound, wood cover, 144-page lined notebook with yellow paper and waxed green hemp thread. I think it is quite nice and the binding is one of my best. Not the best in the world, just my best. It can be seen at Tedorigawa Bookmakers. Well, not right now. But soon! I hope, think, maybe; I'll ask. 

Unless time sprouts wings and jets by in a flash.

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