Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Book One - The Animal/Insect Mash-up Supremo

This is The Animal/Insect Mash-up Supremo Book of 9/9/08 the first, maybe, in a series of 14 books for September. 

Why Animal/Insect? Because the contents, some of which can be seen in the photo below, are names of animals and insects in Japanese and English; With! Sample sentences. The first Japanese word is the first part of the Japanese word for animal (動物) whereas the second, in red, word is insect in Japanese.

Why Mash-Up Supremo? Because Mash has four letters, just like the word I really wanted to use but won't because this is a family-oriented artsy foober blog. Why is this book all mashed-up? I screwed up the sewing THREE TIMES! And that's a lot of repair work. Plus, there's a hidden secret! Yes! Here's the secret: Look at the thread for the binding. Looks like a Chinese-style stab binding, right? It is! But the line running parallel to the edge is not as it seems. One section of this thread is actually.... Drawn on with a pen! Why? Art! (And this book was supremely mashed-up.) 

But here you can see the interior of said Supremo book: First, the Japanese kanji for the animal or insect, then the pronunciation, then a sample sentence, and finally, the English equivalent. There are 18 animals or insects altogether but on this page is Fox (狐 - kitsune) and Cat (猫 - neko) with the sample sentence of Fox being, "Crazy like a 狐." And that for Cat being "A 猫 has nine lives."

Thanks for reading. 

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