Monday, September 08, 2008

New Space?

I have an opportunity to rent a new space for my workshop. It costs very little, is centrally located, has trees lining the street, and a fairly busy street it is, too. Plus, it's so close to home I can walk. In fact, it is so close to home that if I forget anything, I can walk back home and get it.

The main question is, should I? Right now I spend zero for my space which, admittedly, is a desk in a room but anything over zero is still more expensive than zero, right? On the other hand, if I have a space I must pay for then maybe I will be more serious (ha!) - make that, more determined - to become an at least locally known bookmaker.

Therefore, I will challenge myself to make a book a day for two weeks. If I make 14 books in 14 days, then I will rent the space and set about doing even more for my bookmaking career (not that it's exactly putting a dent in the universe now.). An interesting challenge and I'd better hop to it because to day is:

Day One!

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