Saturday, January 19, 2013

First Commission

A person (friend? associate? Cuban spy?) asked me to make a lined notebook for her. She gave me the paper she wants me to use and the rough size - 'about this big,' she said as she folded the paper. She also said she didn't want any pictures - especially pictures of me - in the book. Not even my logo. However, since this is my very first commission, I'm ecstatic.

Am I getting so much better at bookbinding that she trusts me to make a good notebook for her or does she just want a free book? (Yes, I'm not charging her for it. Trust me, though, this is my last free commission. Although it also might be my only commission....)

Here are three pictures: the paper 'neath a haniwa, ten printed folded signatures, and the same signatures sewed up. A haniwa is that thing you see but the originals are from western and southern Japan from the Jomon era - from 10,000 to 3,000 years ago.

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