Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Fold-Out Book

I'm working on making a fold-out book that, I hope, will contain a local artist's sketches. There will be nine 'pages' when it's open but 18 pages overall. What I have discovered is the thicker the book board, the bigger the gap between the middle page and the outlying pages, especially the first one that opens (which is also the last to close).

I'm looking for very thin wood or will use .5 mm ( or 1mm bookboard, if necessary). They will be connected with book cloth or sewn together using color-appropriate thread. The color will depend on the artist.

The pictures show prototypes and a half-scale mock-up. I'm thinking one page will be B5, at least. It will be a bulky book but worth every penny. Will we make an edition? Depends on my skill, the artist's intention, and, probably, the weather when things are finished...?

Pretty fun working out all the logistics and technical details of a structure I've never made before. Great fun. Of course, it's taking time away from my Calvado rewrite.... Hmmm.

Check out:
for audio & more photos about my bookbinding.

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