Monday, June 06, 2005

Ando Packs It In.

Our man, the inventor/creator/innovator of instant raamen and Cup Noodles, Momofuku Ando, has decided, at the tender age of 95, to retire. Egads! Is nothing left sacred in this world when a man has to give up his sole love and joy just because he's pushing the century mark? Actually, according to my sources, he wants to retire. Wants to spend more time doing the things he really enjoys doing, no doubt, whatever they may be. After spending time in jail for tax evasion and coming out nearly penniless and definitely jobless at age 48, he turns hard noodles, a packet of spices, and hot water into a billion-dollar empire. Not too shabby. I hope he gets to spend a few more decades in leisurely retirement knowing that without him hundreds of thousands of mostly male college students would've starved to death.

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