Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Exciting Semi-News

After a short break I have returned with a vengence upon Dancing on the Arc of a Dream. Tomorrow I will have escaped the rigors of any day job that might be lurking behind me on a dark street like a stalker about to pounce and will be devoting several hours to religiously creating more words, stories, characterization, and plot to "Dancing". For several minutes today, whilst listening to a web design podcast called boagworld, I re-read the some fifty pages of the novel so far, looked at the pictures, scribbles, and asides and this has bolstered my enthusiasm to carry on! To boldly split an infinitive where no human has split one before! To write, draw, and plot! Ah, the wonders of hand-written, hand-drawn, hand-bound novels. It sends a chill up my spine just thinking about it.

Check out my online novel, Calvado: Love Kills.

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